Watch the E3 Trailer of Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

I know, late news on my blog, LOL. But XSEED Games did just release a trailer for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns during E3 last week. And I mean, how can I not put that up? HAHA. /selfconfessedaddict

We finally have a little peek at the gameplay! Of course, farming and fishing is involved. But it seems that they’ve put emphasis on “spending time with friends”.

You can check out the E3 trailer on YouTube:

Of course, I’m always excited about the farming aspect of any of the Story of Seasons or Bokujo Monogatari games. I’m just worried about the replayability and how long it’ll keep me playing. Because these games have a tendency to bore people eventually, especially when you get to the slow seasons (aka Winter, LOL). And I’m super guilty of that. Huhu.

But hopefully they’ve mixed things up a bit and we’ll get to see new features and faster movement in-game! Can’t wait for 2017! It can’t come any sooner, haha!

Read more OMGluie posts on Story of Seasons.

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